UAS Risk Management
Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ________________________ As Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) evolve, organizations and manufactures are faced with changing safety requirements. Operating an UAS is complex as no physical pilot is in the cockpit, operating systems differ from conventional aircrafts, avionics require extensive software updates. When performing risk management, a healthy mindset is essential. Risk management is a decision-making process that is dependent on situation awareness, problem recognition, and sound judgement. Furthermore, when exploring risk management four hazard steps need to be considered: Recognizing, analyzing, eliminating, and strategizing (Aviation Safety Students, 2016)). Within this paper, the researcher will examine operational risk management (ORM) while using a DJI Mavic Mini as an example when developing a basic preliminary hazard list (PHL), preliminary hazard analysis, operational hazard review and analysis (OHRA), and ORM assessment to assess the sa...