
Showing posts from July, 2020

Remote Warfare

 Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer _______________________ Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is at the highest importance to operate Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) military missions. UAS have found much success when operating in Afghanistan and Iraq. The functionalities and capabilities have driven up UAS demand and usage expanding operations across the globe. Although UAS parameters are limited to manned systems, UAS reflects a lower risk and cost when performing missions. However, there are great benefits with UAS usage, these benefits can be counter argued with negative pilot effects. These effects are creating a harmful setting on future military pilots. It is because o the minimal human oversight that has formed health skepticism and hesitation on the amount of operations performed. Within this paper, the researcher will discuss on human factors, ethical and moral issues involved in the use of UAS in remote warfare. In addition, this paper while note on future out...

Operating Beyond Visual Line of Sight

 Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ________________________ The DJI Matrice 300 RTK is the most advanced commercially available drone in the market. The DJI Matrice 300 RTK can perform a 55-minute flight time, 9.5-mile transmission, 6-pound payload, holds AI capabilities, 6 directional sensing and position axis, following track features, and at a starting price of $6,500. Similar to many long distant transmission drones, The DJI Matrice 300 RTK hold Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operation risk. As the FAA as noted increased risk with BVLOS operations, the FAA requires all Part 107 holders to request a BVLOS approval. Approval requests to the FAA can take up to 90 days. When submitting a request, one must: Operational details: Where do you plan to operate? How high will you fly? Will you be in controlled airspace? What environmental conditions could affect your operations? Aircraft details: What kind of drone will you be flying? How long is the flight time? What kind of flight termin...

UAS Autonomy and AI

Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer _______________________ Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) improves efficiency by reducing the need for an operator. Furthermore, autonomy and AI in UAS provides routine, periodic, and real-time information sharing. As autonomy and AI technology evolves collection of data and serves will become be utilized as a resourceful tool by organizations and agencies. Autonomation and AI technology in UAS are capable of variation of applications, thus UAS demand is increasing. Within this Blog, the I will discuss on three foundational principles of UAS autonomy and AI; UAS Levels of Automation, Au tomation vs. AI, and the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Technology project. Lastly, I will share multiple positive and negative effects when too much of autonomy and AI is applied. UAS Levels of Automation Integration of UAS into the NAS need to hold regulation on the different automation levels. UAS usage will come in the form of a...