
Showing posts from February, 2021

EMS Usage - Development and Test Analysis

Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ___________________________________________________________________________________ The development of emergency medical services (EMS) is rooted from military combat medicine. As events occur that require rapid medical response, the EMS sector have evaluated the successes and failures from the military to form its own standard operating procedures. As the Command, Control, and Communicate (C3) in an organization may differ, EMS response is upheld by healthcare accrediting body (i.e. TJC) practices. Personnel, equipment, and supplies are rapidly deployable and are expected to respond within 20 minutes of an incident. A 20-minute response is essential to meet an EMS 60-minute timeframe (also known as the Golden Hour). The Golden Hour requires EMS to respond, triage, and move a patient to the nearest treatment facility. The Golden Hour is an industry standard as 99% survival rate is reflected in this practice. Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) is a valuable resourc...

Design and Operational Analysis

 Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ___________________________________________________________________________________ An increasing demand on package delivery unmanned aerial system (UAS) have accelerated commercial UAS innovation. Amazon has invested $130 million in the infrastructure of UAS delivery since 2015 and commented an additional $350 million for operational support (Keeney, 2015). Amazon believes their projected capital will allow Amazon to net a 15% return on $1 deliveries (Keeney, 2015). Package delivery UAS faces mass rollout delay constraints surrounding regulation, UAS configuration, application, and consumer demand as these areas will need to mature. Within this paper, the researcher will examine the UAS application of package delivery while constructing a Octorotor through Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub program. In addition, this paper will discuss on the Octorotor’s package delivery performance within a simulated operation while exploring regulatory...

Testing Optics and Configuration

 Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ___________________________________________________________________________________ According to Ding et al. (2020), Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) can support specialized optics and payload while vertically taking off and landing. This support of specialized optics and payload have made UAS usage a preferred mean of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). Unmanned Aerial Systems optics and payload are generally assembled onto an aircraft based on mission needs. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Visual Optics/Thermal Lab allows learners to examine UAS optic and thermal performance while adjusting optic and thermal settings. This paper will explore Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Visual Optics/Thermal Lab from a learner’s perspective while examining payload and sensor capabilities on a single rotary wing UAS platform. Lastly, this paper will discuss on payload and sensor configuration onto an UAS, flight planning, and on a simulat...

Testing C3 and Configuration

 Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ___________________________________________________________________________________ According to Stansbury et al. (2009), Command, control, and communicate (C3) are essential unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) functions that are established under US National Airspace System (NAS) and Federal Aviation Administration purview. Based on regulatory guidelines and airworthiness standards, manufactures compete to exceed basic C3 capabilities. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Communication Lab allows learners to explore a similar UAS manufacture C3 Lab. This paper will examine Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Communication Lab from a learner’s perspective while exploring common communication systems that are integrated into UAS design. Last this paper will discuss on communication effects using experimental UAS within operational routes.  Communications Lab A communication lab will typically have a received signal strength (RSS) meter using eithe...