Design and Operational Analysis
Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer
An increasing demand on package delivery unmanned aerial system (UAS) have accelerated commercial UAS innovation. Amazon has invested $130 million in the infrastructure of UAS delivery since 2015 and commented an additional $350 million for operational support (Keeney, 2015). Amazon believes their projected capital will allow Amazon to net a 15% return on $1 deliveries (Keeney, 2015). Package delivery UAS faces mass rollout delay constraints surrounding regulation, UAS configuration, application, and consumer demand as these areas will need to mature. Within this paper, the researcher will examine the UAS application of package delivery while constructing a Octorotor through Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub program. In addition, this paper will discuss on the Octorotor’s package delivery performance within a simulated operation while exploring regulatory compliance to permit package delivery UAS mass adaption.
Application Details
Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) have emerge as an effective method to support package delivery UAS. To aid in the safe delivery of packages to customers, such companies as Amazon, Alphabet, and FedEx believe that an electric, multiple rotor aircraft with VTOL and BVLOS capabilities will suit package delivery UAS needs (Dash et al., 2019). For VTOL and BVLOS to occur, a package delivery UAS will need to be configured in a manner that has a <1-hour power source, <10-mile transmission, <5-pound payload, and Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management (UTM) capabilities. The closest commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system that can support these capabilities within Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub program is the Octorotor.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub Octorotor, resembles DJI Matrice drones which is an advance enterprise UAS available on the market. The DJI Matrice 300 RTK has 55-minute battery-to-flight time, 9.5-mile 2.4/5ghz transmission, 6-pound payload, and UTM capabilities (GPS World, 2020). Figure 1 configuration within Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub mirrors the DJI Matrice 600. In addition, for package delivery purposes this Octorotor is supported with a third-party gimbal camera, GPS, dipole antenna, and IMU. Unfortunately, a package delivery assembly is not an option within Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub program. Just as in enterprise use Amazon, Alapbet, and FedEx preferred ground control station (GSU) that is securely structured with long-range dishes to communicate with package delivery UAS.
Although, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub Octorotor configuration reflects a pre-set performance indicator following assembly; DJI Matrice drones have proven to surpass the shown performance measurements. It is because of a non-assemble package delivery system and subjective performance measurements, the Octorotor configuration within Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide Hub simulated environments is impractical for a package delivery use-case. Having established a simulated flight plan in Yosemite simulated operational environment, midflight waypoint-to-manual control is not optional. This method of flight is preferred for package delivery UAS as UAS package receiving coordinates to not exist, thus no true centralize location to coordinate a pre-programable receivable site.
The DJI Matrics drones are similar to many COTS UAS in the market as regulatory BVLOS risk is presented. The FAA has noted on the increased risk with BVLOS operations and requires all Part 107 to request a BVLOS approval before commercially beyond sight flight. Approval requests from the FAA can take up to 90 days (Fanelli, 2017). In addition, for a UAS operator to fully comply with aerial package delivery, he or she will need to obtain a Part 135. As many operators obtain their licensures and BVLOS approval, FAA still struggles to communicate UAS regulation updates of when, where, how, and by whom a UAS is to be flown. To overcome this FAA UAS challenge, the FAA and NASA has partnered to address flight barriers through the NextGen project.
In addition, NextGen was established to deliver a more efficient air traffic management system that all aircraft types can safely operate in. Aircrafts operate the skies at different levels. To control UTM, UAS integration into NAS need to be explored on a low (Class G), medium (Class E), and high (Class A) airspace (Wilson, 2018). Low level is the operating level that most sUAS are found. In addition, per Part 107 sUAS are not to exceed a AGL ceiling of 400’. As aircrafts utilize both IFR and VFR to detect, sense, and avoid, not all sUAS are required to operate on this monitoring system.
For an effective package delivery UAS ATMS to occur, the FAA, state, and local regulators must be clear and transparent on laws. In terms of UAS configurations, manufactures and consumers must support the concept of safe skies by only operating UAS with UTM system features. Although, the FAA has issued to manufactures that UAS remote ID is required by late 2022, operators may still operate the skies with an older UAS. Thus, this damager emerges a new challenge under the NextGen project. To circumvent this challenge and allow for mass rollout of package delivery UAS, I recommend that UAS flight is only functional under a specialize 28ghz 5g network. This will allow the tracking and monitoring of UAS without present the risk of rouge UAS while preventing the limitations of UAS network advancements.
Regardless, of a centralize operational network system that aids in a UTM and ATMS, UAS operators need to be aware and practice good “Know Before You Fly” FAA UAS measures. Eliminating risk is important and is simply performed by recognizing, analyzing, eliminating, and strategizing. These steps complement safety resources through the uses of preliminary hazard list (PHL), preliminary hazard analysis, operational hazard review and analysis (OHRA), and ORM assessments.
Dash, J. P., Watt, M. S., Paul, T. S. H., Morgenroth, J., Hartley, R., & McMahon, S. (2019). Taking a closer look at invasive alien plant research: A review of the current state, opportunities, and future directions for UAVs. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(12), 2020-2033.
Wilson, A. (2018). Integration of UAS in existing air traffic management systems connotations and consequences. Integrated Communications, Navigation, Surveillance Conference (ICNS), Herndon, VA. p. 2G3-1-2G3-7, doi: 10.1109/ICNSURV.2018.8384851.
Fanelli, M. (2017). Answers to Your Questions about LAANC & Skyward. Skyward.
GPS World. (2020). DJI Unveils Matrice 300 RTK. Business Insights: Essentials.
Keeney, T. (2015). Amazon Drones Could Deliver a Package in Under Thirty Minutes for Less Than One Dollar. Analyst Research. ARK Investment Management LLC.