UAS Detect, Sense, and Avoid
Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer
Unmanned Aerospace Systems Traffic Management (UTM), is a complicated part of integrating Urban Air Mobility (UAM) into the National Airspace System (NAS). The FAA has partnered with well known names such as NASA to safely develop and implement the required infrastructure, performance requirements, software, and more to ensure that these systems enter the NAS as smoothly as possible (Raju, 2018).
Part of UTM and UAM integration into NextGen includes development of technological infrastructure to safely extend unmanned operations Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). Current regulations such as those set out in Part 107 and 135 for remote pilots serve as a baseline from which to grow upon (Paczan, 2019). Development and required fielding of technologies such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) also helps pave the way to safer skies.
Detect, Sense, and Avoid (DSA), is a technological requirement of remotely piloted aircraft and a necessary means of deconfliction with other aircraft. Known as Sense and Avoid (SAA) in manned aviation, or see-and-avoid, pilots have an obligation to monitor for and maintain distance from other aircraft in a local area. Remote piloted aircraft would have difficulty with SAA due to the removal of the pilot from the system (Vu et al., 2020). This will need to be overcome via technology, and truthfully, should lead to incorporation of similar systems in manned aircraft. These devices will need to communicate with eachother and also to air-traffic controllers. Failure to establish DSA & SAA guidelines and standards by either a regulatory or technological means will surely inhibit growth and development of UAM into the NAS.
The implications for a lost link scenario for an aircraft carrying passengers, operated remotely, within the NAS are significant. Primarily - what will the default behavior be? Many current autopilot systems utilize a "Return Home" function, transiting to a hover over a predetermined waypoint and then slowly descending until touchdown. Improper setting of such waypoints, or descending upon an occupied location, could have immense consequences. Link may be a difficult factor for UAM aircraft operating in congested city centers, surrounded by tall buildings, in close proximity to large objects, some of which may be energized such as power line transformers, and more.
The human factors implications are considerable. How will ATC personnel monitor the increased traffic? How will remote pilots monitor their aircraft? Will they be able to monitor more than one at a time? Distractions may be problematic for remote pilots, as they are removed from the urgency of being on the aircraft as it is used. Will consumers act honestly and responsibly, providing accurate weight and balance information? There are many challenges to UAM integration, and unfortunately a plethora of them reside with the individuals involved in the operation of the aircraft.
- Paczan, N. M. (2019). Integrating UAS into NextGen automation systems. Paper presented at the 1-14.
- Raju, P. (2018). UAS traffic management (UTM) a complementary set of services to ATM. Paper presented at the 1-11.
- Vu, K. L., Rorie, R. C., Fern, L., & Shively, R. J. (2020). Human factors contributions to the development of standards for displays of unmanned aircraft systems in support of detect-and-avoid. Human Factors, 62(4), 505-515.