UAS Detect, Sense, and Avoid
Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer _______________________ Unmanned Aerospace Systems Traffic Management (UTM), is a complicated part of integrating Urban Air Mobility (UAM) into the National Airspace System (NAS). The FAA has partnered with well known names such as NASA to safely develop and implement the required infrastructure, performance requirements, software, and more to ensure that these systems enter the NAS as smoothly as possible ( Raju, 2018) . Part of UTM and UAM integration into NextGen includes development of technological infrastructure to safely extend unmanned operations Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). Current regulations such as those set out in Part 107 and 135 for remote pilots serve as a baseline from which to grow upon ( Paczan, 2019) . Development and required fielding of technologies such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast ( ADS-B) also helps pave the way to safer skies. Detect, Sense, and Avoid (DSA), is a technological requirement of...