
Showing posts from January, 2021

Testing Components and Configuration

Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ___________________________________________________________________________________ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) component type that can be assembled in various configurations (Granshaw, 2018). Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Hub offer labs to explore a multitude of UAS platforms while examining its real-world capabilities. This exploratory paper will provide a Dynamic and Power Plant Lab observational review while discussing elective elements of each lab through literature review. In addition, this paper will analyze two types of UAS configuration, its capabilities, and usage.   Dynamics Lab A dynamics lab setup as labs are equipped with a multi-axis shake table along with accelerometer. Shake tables test is a common technique used to capture a UAS structural performance. Linear force was performed to determine UAS response. Based on provided tutorial inputs, a balanced reading was captured. Readings from expo...

Historical Development on Military Drones

 Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer ___________________________________________________________________________________ Expanding on Historical Analysis on Military Drones, this article will provide further insight on the design, development, and documentation practices of World War I “Aerial Target”, 1950s-1960s “Cardinal,” and current rotary-style drones. In addition, this assignment will re-examine these three platforms to address: (1) common user characteristics, (2) design development limitations, (3) manufacturing availability, (4) fundamental differences, and (5) platform safety, efficiency, and effectiveness issues. Common and unique characteristics of the users The most common and unique characteristics with unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is training. Leveraging UAS as a training resource improves an operator flight skill. Training UAS usage have proven to be reliable and allow non-experience operators with airframe fundamental requirements before performing real-world flight....

Historical Analysis On Military Drones

Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer  ___________________________________________________________________________________ Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), are offend seen as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or as drones. According to (2020), UAS is an unmanned method of equipment flight. The earliest UAS literature review findings date back to the 18th century where Montgolfier brothers hosted a demonstration of an unmanned hot-air balloon in Annonay, France. As UAS technology moves at rapid pace, the building blocks of UAS evolution can be easily overlooked. Unmanned Aerial Systems represents more than just an unmanned equipment. This can be noted through Alfred Nobel’s 1896 camera-to-rocket demonstration or SpaceX’s Starlink satellite program. Exploration of major historical eras aids researchers to identify notable past characteristics to advance UAS development. The researcher within this study will explore UAS evolution from a World War I, 1950s-1960s, and modern perspective. Throu...