Historical Analysis On Military Drones

Author: Dr. Michael Zimmer 

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), are offend seen as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or as drones. According to SkyBrary.aero (2020), UAS is an unmanned method of equipment flight. The earliest UAS literature review findings date back to the 18th century where Montgolfier brothers hosted a demonstration of an unmanned hot-air balloon in Annonay, France. As UAS technology moves at rapid pace, the building blocks of UAS evolution can be easily overlooked. Unmanned Aerial Systems represents more than just an unmanned equipment. This can be noted through Alfred Nobel’s 1896 camera-to-rocket demonstration or SpaceX’s Starlink satellite program. Exploration of major historical eras aids researchers to identify notable past characteristics to advance UAS development. The researcher within this study will explore UAS evolution from a World War I, 1950s-1960s, and modern perspective. Through historical findings, the researcher will discuss how era research and development has help to advance UAS technology, operational changes between eras, and era’s contribution to current UAS usage.

World War I ("The Great War")

History of the selected system, including developer/manufacturer, need it was built to fulfill, and unique characteristics. Unmanned Aerial System usage begin early 20th century. Great Britain and the United States initially used UAS for aerial photography and aircraft target purposes. During World War I the United States contracted with Dayton-Wright Airplane Company for pilotless “Aerial Torpedo” (Shaw, 2014). “Aerial Torpedo” was a pre-set exploding torpedo dropped from an aircraft into water to engage naval vessels. In addition, A.M. Low’s “Aerial Target” used Geoffrey de Havilland’s monoplane as a form of UAS target practice (Krishnan, 2009). 

How the research and development in creating the UAS helped to advance (or attenuate) the use of technology. The “Aerial Torpedo” and “Aerial Target” reflected on two innovative products that helped to advance UAS; first, air-to-sea ammunition; and second, a training system. Modern military UAS heavily rely on integration of both domains to communicate with a weapon through a timer-based system. In addition, the “Aerial Torpedo” and “Aerial Target” proved to lessen human pilot risk when physically operating a similar system. According to Farah (2020), $100 million military aircrafts will replicate a similar target practice aircraft at a .3-3% cost.

Operational differences among the eras (e.g., needs, technological capabilities, and regulations). As era UAS reflected an easily identifiable color used as dummy ammunition or target practice aircrafts, modern technology often holds more sophisticated capabilities to include stealth. Such capabilities allow for an actual sensation for when real-world usage occurs. The military’s Valkyrie drone is an example of an unmanned fighter jet deployed to build currency when training. Furthermore, the Valkyrie drone has a realistic fighter jet range, speed, and weapon system that is also used to evaluate experimental tests (Zegart, 2020). Last, systems such as the Valkyrie are reusable to limit spending on test UAS repurchase.

Overarching contribution towards development and use of UAS today. 21st Century aerial training involves some form of unmanned ammunition radio communication system. The Valkyrie is a dependable UAS, yet the military of tomorrow is seeking for the next evolution of compact version of a target practice fighter jet.


History of the selected system, including developer/manufacturer, need it was built to fulfill, and unique characteristics. During World War II, Nazi Germany successful utilized the Argus As 292 and V-1 Flying Bomb for training and combat purposes. Based on the Argus As 292 and V-1 Flying Bomb technology the United States expanded Germany’s communication design to develop a television/radio-command guidance system onto an it’s JB-4. In addition, the public sector began to fill a radio guidance system UAS need as the military ordered 2200 Cardinals from Beechcraft between 1955-1959 (Goebel, 2011). Cardinals never saw combat, yet served its purpose as radio-based target system. As the Cardinal was the most notable UAS during this era, UAS held a remote-controlled airplane proception until the Vietnam War.

How the research and development in creating the UAS helped to advance (or attenuate) the use of technology. In 1960, the U.S. Air Force begin a highly classified UAS program called “Red Wagon”. “Red Wagon” was established to seek for UAS methods to avoid losing pilots from downed aircrafts over combat zones. Radio guided UAS saw its first United States military missions during the Vietnam War. Not only the United Stated begin UAS military operations, yet the Israeli Intelligence powered a reconnaissance UAS with a camera during the War of Attrition (Dunstan, 2013).

Operational differences among the eras (e.g., needs, technological capabilities, and regulations). Primitive UAS operational capabilities mostly was operated on a timer-based system. The 1950s-1960s introduced radio system reliability to perform functions on an UAS. The V-1 laid the foundation that UAS posed a combat uses case that allowed for additional usage outside of a training and targetable system. 

Overarching contribution towards development and use of UAS today. A radio-based communication system has allowed for expandable functions to be performed on an UAS. As the 1950s-1960s uncovered UAS combat usage, it is because of the radio-based communication systems that has allowed UAS to hold an intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance purpose (Austin, 2010). It is because of the developments from the 1950s-1960s to form UAS primary military usage around intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance.


History of the selected system, including developer/manufacturer, need it was built to fulfill, and unique characteristics. Unmanned Aerial Systems uses extends past military needs, yet into commercial (i.e. Amazon, UPS, DHL and FEDEX) and into the public (i.e. DJI, Hubsan, and Parrot) sector. Unmanned Aerial Systems are growing in popularity because of the vast capabilities. Although UAS is in a commercial and public sector infancy stage, many lessons learned from the 100 years of military usage can be noted (Harvard, Hyvönen, & Wadbring, 2020). Unmanned Aerial Systems “have become central to the functions of various businesses and governmental organizations” (BusinessInsider.com, 2021).

How the research and development in creating the UAS helped to advance (or attenuate) the use of technology. Through past efficiency and productivity measures employed, operator workload and system production costs have decreased. As increase mass adaption for UAS technology advances, perceptional toy trend and fad stigma will minimize to define new UAS domains. UAS delivery is one of those emerging domains that hold cross military, commercial, and public uses-case. In addition, UAS delivery is exciting for UAS stakeholders as this domain is the next evolution in UAS function.

Operational differences among the eras (e.g., needs, technological capabilities, and regulations). Unmanned Aerial System’s operational controls have too evolved outside of past RC controls. Unmanned Aerial System controls are performed through system applications (i.e. operating system apps). System applications allow for a more convenient method to connect to a UAS, while extending UAS performance (i.e. range, energy, link) (Rakha & Gorodetsky, 2018). Technological capabilities with operational controls are a contributor to why UAS mass adoption is occurring at its current rate.  

Overarching contribution towards development and use of UAS today. Efficiency and productivity have resolved reliability concerns as industries are beginning to realize the potential and scope that UAS offers to business and personal practices. Sensor systems is the next big development for safer and dependable UAS. As sensor systems are employed, regulation will likely lighten to allow for further development and adaption.



Austin, R. (2010). Unmanned aircraft systems: UAVS design, development, and deployment. Hoboken, NJ; Chichester, West Sussex, U.K; Wiley.

BusinessInsider.com. (2021). Drone technology uses and applications for commercial, industrial and military drones in 2021 and the future. Insider Inc. https://www.businessinsider.com/drone-technology-uses-applications

Dunstan, S. (2013). Israeli Fortifications of the October War 1973. Osprey Publishing. p. 16. ISBN 9781782004318.

Farah, J. (2020). Target Practice. State of the Sector. Comstock Publishing Inc. https://www.comstocksmag.com/web-only/target-practice

Goebel, G. (2011). BeechMQM-39A / MQM-61A Cardinal. Early US Target Drones. vectorsite.net. https://web.archive.org/web/20110807123337/http://www.vectorsite.net/twuav_01.html#m5

Harvard, J., Hyvönen, M., & Wadbring, I. (2020). Journalism from above: Drones and the media in critical perspective. Media and Communication (Lisboa), 8(3), 60-63. doi:10.17645/mac.v8i3.3442

Krishnan, A. (2009). Killer robots: legality and ethicality of autonomous weapons. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

Rakha, T., & Gorodetsky, A. (2018). Review of unmanned aerial system (UAS) applications in the built environment: Towards automated building inspection procedures using drones. Automation in Construction, 93, 252-264. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2018.05.002

Shaw, I. (2014). The Rise of the Predator Empire: Tracing the History of U.S. Drones. Understanding Empire. https://understandingempire.wordpress.com/2-0-a-brief-history-of-u-s-drones/

SkyBrary.aero. (2020). Definitions. Unmanned Aerial Systems. https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Unmanned_Aerial_Systems_(UAS)

Zegart, A. (2020). Cheap fights, credible threats: The future of armed drones and coercion. Journal of Strategic Studies, 43(1), 6-46. doi:10.1080/01402390.2018.1439747

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